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The Clinical Decision Support Innovation Collaborative (CDSiC) aims to produce resources to advance the development of patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) tools that can help patients make informed decisions with their care teams that align with their specific needs, preferences, and values.

The CDSiC provides information and resources for patients, researchers, developers, and clinicians. Examples of resources found here include PC CDS vignettes, infographics, peer-reviewed articles, literature scans, frameworks, and other tools.

Displaying 21 - 30 of 39

Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup: Improving Interoperability of Patient Apps with the Health IT Ecosystem

Publication Date:
August 1, 2023
This report identifies opportunities for improving patient app interoperability to advance patient-centered clinical decision support.Developed by the AHRQ CDSiC Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup, this report identifies several opportunities for further advancement of patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) standards to support the interoperability between patient apps and electronic health records (EHRs) and other health information technology (IT) systems.

Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup: Advancing Standardized Representations for Patient Preferences to Support Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support

Publication Date:
August 1, 2023
This report describes standards for patient-preferences data.Developed by the AHRQ CDSiC Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup, this report examines data standards currently available for collecting and using patient-preference data to guide patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) and includes recommendations to further the integration of patient-preference data into PC CDS tools.

Lessons Learned from a National Initiative Promoting Publicly Available Standards-Based Clinical Decision Support

Publication Date:
July 26, 2023
This article, published in Applied Clinical Informatics, describes lessons learned from an evaluation of AHRQ’s Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Initiative. The evaluation yielded several important lessons for developing and implementing publicly available, standards-based CDS, and identified addressing persistent challenges to broad dissemination and implementation as priority areas for future work in the field.

Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup: Environmental Scan

Publication Date:
January 1, 2023
This environmental scan reveals opportunities to evolve standards and regulatory frameworks to advance patient-centered clinical decision support.Developed by the AHRQ CDSiC Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup, this environmental scan assesses the current landscape of standards, federal initiatives, and regulatory frameworks for patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) to determine gaps, challenges, and opportunities to advance PC CDS.

CDSiC Stakeholder Center Quarterly Report, October to December 2022

Publication Date:
January 1, 2023
This status report provides updates on the progress of the activities of the Stakeholder Center from October through December 2022. Over this period, Workgroups have focused on conducting literature reviews and key informant interviews (KIIs).

CDSiC Project Summary

Publication Date:
October 31, 2022
This CDSiC project summary highlights the CDSiC’s goals and desired outcomes and describes the work of the CDSiC’s three centers.