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Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup

What is patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) trying to achieve, and what outcomes do we need to measure to support this? The Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup (formerly the Outcomes and Objectives Workgroup) is exploring this question and developing products and insights that can inform how we measure the impact of CDS.

Workgroup CDS outcomes and objectives image When working to achieve broad, transformative, and sustainable change, it can sometimes be difficult to assess and chart progress. This is true for both an initiative like the CDSiC and the use of CDS within a healthcare system. In the first two years of the CDSiC, the Outcomes and Objectives Workgroup explored outcomes measurement for PC CDS.  

The renamed Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup is now tasked with advancing ways to consistently measure and evaluate PC CDS across settings.  The Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup is exploring how we measure the safety, effectiveness, and equity of PC CDS interventions, and particularly how we measure outcomes that matter to patients, such as decision making, patient engagement, care experience, and clinical outcomes. The reports, resources, and tools created by this Workgroup support the CDSiC and the broader CDS community in advancing the standardization of measuring the outcomes of PC CDS interventions. Through Fall of 2024, the Workgroup will be focusing efforts on:  

Workgroup Leadership:

Workgroup Products

This report aims to identify what measurement areas within the patient health journey are important to patients when determining if patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) is achieving its intended purpose. 

Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup: Inventory of Patient Preference Measurement Tools for PC CDS Report
This report describes an inventory of tools to collect patient preference information.

Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup: Patient Preference Measurement Tools for PC CDS Inventory Spreadsheet
This inventory spreadsheet identifies available patient preference measurement tools from the literature to support the incorporation of patient preferences into PC CDS tools.

Outcomes and Objectives Workgroup: Patient-Focused Outcome Measures for Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support
This report offers measures to evaluate patient-centered clinical decision support impact on patient-focused outcomes. 

Outcomes and Objectives Workgroup: Integration of Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support Into Shared Decision Making
This report provides a framework for the use of patient-centered clinical decision support to facilitate shared decision making.

Outcomes and Objectives Workgroup: Taxonomy of Patient Preferences
This Taxonomy identifies and characterizes patient preferences relevant to patient-centered clinical decision support.

Related Resources

Infographic: Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support Explained 
The Clinical Decision Support Innovation Collaborative (CDSiC) created this infographic to explain the definition of patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS).  

Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup Charter - Option Year 1
The Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup Option Year 1 Charter is a document that describes the purpose, goals, and key activities of the Workgroup under the CDSiC Stakeholder and Community Outreach Center.