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M&0 Inventory of Patient Preference Measurement Tool
Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup: Inventory of Patient Preference Measurement Tools for PC CDS Report

This report describes an inventory of tools to collect patient preference information.

Developed by the AHRQ Clinical Decision Support Innovation Collaborative's Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup, this inventory report describes an inventory that identifies specific patient preference measurement tools used in clinical settings and describes considerations and challenges to adopting and using patient preference measurement tools in practice. The accompanying filterable and sortable inventory spreadsheet provides details on the delivery method, context, and validity of each tool. 

Collecting and acting on patient preferences in healthcare decision making are key elements of delivering patient-centered care. Despite an increased focus on delivering patient-centered care that empowers patients to participate in decisions about their care to date, collection of patient preferences varies widely, and few CDS tools consider patient preferences when providing clinical recommendations or facilitating shared decision making. To enable the integration of patient preference information into PC CDS, broader collection and measurement of patient preferences are a needed first step. This report and accompanying inventory builds on previous work from the CDSiC that describes patient preferences domains by outlining available instruments and tools to collect preference information from patients that can inform healthcare decision making.

About the Inventory Report

This inventory report describes the inventory spreadsheet which includes a list of 43 unique measurement tools and instruments used to elicit patient preferences related to their medical care that have been used in a clinical setting or integrated into clinical workflows. The inventory report summarizes the approach to conducting an environmental scan to identify existing patient preference measurement tools and instruments and describes the purpose, potential audience, and intended uses of the accompanying inventory spreadsheet. 

The inventory report concludes with a description of gaps in the current practice of eliciting and measuring patient preferences relevant to PC CDS and outlines future areas for research to address these gaps. 

How To Use This Inventory Report

This inventory report and the accompanying filterable and sortable spreadsheet are intended for a wide variety of potential users with different perspectives, goals, and roles related to PC CDS. Potential users range from CDS developers, community hospitals to academic medical centers, researchers, health system informaticians, care team members, and patient partners, among others. Potential uses of this inventory include:  

  • Assisting PC CDS designers, developers, implementers, and evaluators in identifying measurement tools to implement in their systems or incorporate in the design and development of new PC CDS. 
  • Supporting healthcare organizations in developing workflows to capture patient preference information and configure PC CDS to support care informed by these preferences. 
  • Helping patients, caregivers and patient advocates determine where there are gaps in the elicitation and measurement of patient preferences. 

Suggested Citation: Ozkaynak M, Jiménez F, Kurtzman RT, Nwefo R, Kukhareva P, Desai PJ, Dullabh PM, and CDSiC Measurement and Outcomes Workgroup. Inventory of Patient Preference Measurement Tools for PC CDS Report. Prepared under Contract No. 75Q80120D00018. AHRQ Publication No. 24-0062-1-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; June 2024.