This factsheet describes available standards and future opportunities for the patient-centered clinical decision support technical landscape.
Derived from an Environmental Scan report developed by the AHRQ CDSiC Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup, this two-page factsheet summarizes the current state of available standards for eight stages of the patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) technical landscape and identifies future opportunities for further advancement.
PC CDS ensures that healthcare decision making is informed by evidence-based guidance, and consistent standards make PC CDS accessible and usable. The AHRQ CDSiC Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup conducted an environmental scan to assess the current landscape of standards, federal initiatives, and regulatory frameworks for PC CDS to determine gaps, challenges, and opportunities to advance PC CDS. A summary of findings from the Environmental Scan is presented in this brief factsheet.
About the Factsheet
This factsheet offers a summary of the current standards and future opportunities for the eight stages of the PC CDS technical landscape:
- Standards for Translating Clinical Guidelines into PC CDS
- Standards for Managing Data Provenance
- Patient-Generated Health Data (PGHD) Standards
- Standard PC CDS Insertion Points
- Standards for Non-Clinical Patient-Centered Data
- Integration of PGHD into EHRs
- CDS-Focused Application Programming Interfaces (APIs)
- APIs for Bulk Data Export to Inform PCOR
This factsheet also describes future opportunities for advancing development and adoption of PC CDS standards. To read the full Environmental Scan from which this fact sheet was derived, follow this link.
How To Use the Factsheet
This factsheet provides developers, health system leaders, and federal stakeholders key highlights from the full environmental scan report. Read this factsheet for a high-level overview of PC CDS current state of standards and future directions at each stage of the PC CDS technical landscape.
Suggested Citation: Dullabh PM, Desai PJ, Gordon JR, Leaphart D, Wilson KS, Richesson RL, Boxwala AA, and the CDSiC Standards and Regulatory Frameworks Workgroup. An Overview of Standards for Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support. Prepared under Contract No. 75Q80120D00018. AHRQ Publication No. 24-0039-1-EF. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; June 2024.