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The Technical Landscape for Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support

This CDSiC Leadership Viewpoint published in Healthcare Innovation summarizes the main challenges and opportunities related to advancing patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) in the U.S. healthcare system.

An article posted on Healthcare Innovation summarizes the main challenges and opportunities related to advancing patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) in the U.S. healthcare system. Authored by members of the Clinical Decision Support Innovation Collaborative (CDSiC) leadership team Prashila Dullabh, Dean Sittig, David Lobach, James Swiger, and Edwin Lomotan, the article summarizes findings from a Journal of American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) article regarding the technical landscape for patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS), specifically progress, gaps, and challenges. Read the article here.

Continue reading additional CDSiC Leadership Viewpoints here.

Related Resources

Challenges and Opportunities for Advancing Patient-Centered Clinical Decision Support: Findings from a Horizon Scan
This article published in the Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) shares findings from a horizon scan conducted to identify challenges in patient-centered clinical decision support (PC CDS) and identify future directions for PC CDS.