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PRO Dashboard Overview Image
Patient Reported Outcome Clinical Decision Support Dashboard Overview

This slideshow provides an overview of two dashboards measuring the performance of patient-centered clinical decision support.

Patient reported outcomes (PROs) – reports of a patient’s health condition that come directly from the patient – provide valuable data to both patients and providers to inform health-related decision making, yet there are few resources for organizations to examine their use and performance. The AHRQ CDSiC Innovation Center Core 2 developed two dashboards to depict status and effectiveness measures of PRO CDS at an institution. This PDF slideshow uses hypothetical use cases to demonstrate a dashboard using PROs for depression and another dashboard using PROs for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).

About the Dashboard Overview

The overarching goal of the dashboards is to improve the quality and patient safety of PC CDS interventions associated with the collection of PROs and their measurements (PROMs). This PDF slideshow presents key sections of the dashboards, including:

  • The Dashboard Introduction that describes the PROM questionnaire instrument and the associated workflow and alerts.
  • The PROM Completion and Viewing section that includes a diagram to display completion and viewing metrics.
  • The Items section that shows the list of questions from the questionnaire.
  • The distribution of responses by item on the questionnaire.
  • The Overall Assessment Scores section that includes a graph displaying the distribution of total scores by disease category over the last 6 months.
  • The completion and viewing metrics for patients stratified by select groups.
  • The Patients section that provides patient-level data for those who received concerning scores.

How to Use the Dashboard Overview

The dashboards are intended to support clinical director-level personnel and informaticians/CDS developers in analyzing data to determine the effectiveness of their PROMs and associated decision support tools. The dashboard can be integrated with an organization’s electronic health record to receive and display data in a way that encourages meaningful action.

Suggested Citation: Clinical Decision Support Innovation Collaborative Innovation Center. AHRQ Patient Reported Outcome Clinical Decision Support Dashboard Overview. Prepared under Contract No. 75Q80120D00018. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; October 2023.